Thursday, June 5, 2008

For those of you who don't already know.....We're Pregnant!!!! =) we were trying to keep it quite for the first little bit because of the miscarriage last time=( but we had an ultrasound yesterday and we know that there is a baby in there growing. I would put up the ultrasound picture but it's a little out of focus and kinda hard to see. I'm just way too excited! you'd think this was my first baby not my third=) i think maybe it's a little more exciting because the kids are so excited. Joshua is insisting that it's a girl but we still call the baby an "It" or just "the baby" Josh got to be in there when the doctor did the ultrasound and he got to hear the heart beat he was way excited and was telling everybody. Mary will get to be there for the next one she was a little bummed on the phone when joshua told her what had happened but once i told her she'd get to see and hear it also she perked up a bit.


Kathryn said...

Holy crap! Congratulations! I wonder if that's a little Felicity in there. I can't wait to find out!

AubreAnn said...

holy cow, everyone's pregnant! miss you, squifer! XOXO

ashleed28 said...
