Thursday, December 18, 2008

She's here!!!!!!!!!!! and she has hair =)

So after an 8 1/2 hour rest in the hospital Felicity decided to grace us with her presence=) she was turned funny... as in she wasn't up and she wasn't down but she was on her side=) the doctor figured if she had been turned correctly she would have been here on Monday=) I have to say her delivery was by far my easiest delivery, the doctor broke my water(which released Hoover Damn) at 4 cm. and i had an epidural which REALLY REALLY worked=)my legs were numb for hours...and I went from a 5 to a 10 in like 10 min. so anyway here she is=)


Jolynn and Zak McCormick said...

Congrats! What a cutie! I am glad everything went well!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Rach n Adam said...

That's so exciting! Congratulations! We can't wait to meet her!

Melissa said...

Congratulations Laura! Hope you have a speedy recovery and that everything is great with your family. Love ya

Vannessa P Beazel said...

Very cute and wonderful little girl you got there Laura. Remember how sweet she is now, as to when she a teenager. Love you! Vannessa

Kathryn said...

Aww, she is gorgeous! (Though, I wasn't expecting she'd be otherwise!) I love it, she has a gorgeous name!

I hope you are recovering well and that you enjoy your early Christmas present!

Hugs for you and baby!

Spencer and Aly Larsen said...

Laura - She is so precious and looks so dainty and pretty. You are a trooper and I am so glad to see that she is doing well and to hear that you are doing well. By the way, when you spell Hoover Dam, There is not an "N" at the end unless you tried to make it a swear word....admit it, you meant the swear word. I love you and hope all goes well as you work with her.
love ya!

Soccer sweetie 421 said...

AWWWWWWWWWW! SHE IS A CUTIE PIE! congradulations! i don't know if i spelled that right but oh well who cares!(not me) hehe! love you! give everyone my love! especially Felicity!

Rocker Chick 411 said...

she is the cuties little thing!!! i cant wait to see her and SHE HAS HAIR lol. she weighs more then me lol when i was born. well u should check out my page. i posted something new explaining alot and ugh shes so cute. i wish that i couls hold her. well some day i will. and did u know that you have the same background as me??? well i hope that you are doing good and i hope to see you all soon. tell josh mary and felicity that i love them and i hope to see you soon. take care!

Mansius Family said...

Congratulations!! She is so cute!

Dizniemom said...

Very cute! I think I will call her Lissy, since Felicity is a mouthful.

Kristin said...

She is gorgeous!! Congrats! I love the name too! This is Kristin (Gardner) by the way.