Sunday, November 30, 2008


So David the kids and I went up to Jon's house for Thanksgiving this year and we had lots of fun. David helped Jon a little bit working on his kitchen and the kids had lots of fun playing with Jon's kids and i had a good time visiting with Shannon and Jon. We went up Tuesday night and on Wednesday mom,Aly,dad,Jolene, Mary and i went to Good Things Utah again=) it once again was lots of fun =) afterwards we went to Gardner Village and the kids had a lot of fun running around despite my pleas to stop running =) Joshua showed mom and dad his duck call which was quite funny because he taught himself how to do it=) and then it was back up to Jon's house to help finish the kitchen and to try to help get things done for thanksgiving. On Thursday we got to visit with Al and Teresa, Vic and his children, Suzi and her family, and Aly, Spencer and Will. I know i keep saying this but it honestly was lots of fun. On Saturday we went shopping which was lots of fun and well worth it=) Cammi came with us to be the Gopher since Aly had Will with her and if i tried to run I'd probably have put myself into labor =) we were done around 9:30am but we kept going to different places =) lunch afterwards was fun and the baby jumped for everyone at the table to see =)
I can't tell you all everything that i am thankful for because there is so much and i could go on forever, but i would like to say i am so very thankful for my family and the love and support that they all continue to give David and I and I am thankful for the gospel, especially for the love and guidance that we receive on a daily basis.

1 comment:

Annie said...

love reading the blogs. I like looking at the pictures too...but you really do need to stop posting pics of your mother. She looks awful! Had a blast with you and your sisters and sil's at the choc show and shopping and especially at Thanksgiving dinner. GTU has been a blast, too! Hope to do it again soon. love ya!