Sunday, November 30, 2008

chocolate show

so last weekend was a nice long weekend for me. I traveled up north and went to the twilight show with Suzi and her girls which was a lot of fun=) and then the next morning we went to Good Things Utah, and then we were off to the Chocolate Show. Mom, Aly,Will, Suzi, Jessie, Cammi, Jolene, Rachel, Shannon and I went walking around there for a while....actually i was soooo tired so i sat. It was fun to see Aly walking around with Will strapped to her chest he is sooooo big he was so big on her tiny body but he didn't like me holding him=( He did love it when Rachel was holding him though=) then on Saturday we went back to the chocolate show which was even more fun then the day before, Aubre, Alys good friend, was able to join us and she was a hoot to hang out with plus i was feeling a lot better because i actually slept the night before=) all in all it was lots of fun and i am way happy i was able to make it up there especially since it was a kid free weekend for me.

1 comment:

Lisa Miller said...

I love anything kid free. I have to admit it. What is the Chocolate Show and Good Things Utah?